Laser Safety Training
Every Hospital, Private office, or Aesthetic Practice is required to have an appointed LSO. Laser Safety, as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is separate and distinct from patient and treatment safety, which is an important but unrelated topic. Meet the regulatory requirements for having a trained Laser Safety Officer appointed at every facility that uses medical or aesthetic lasers. In addition, several states require that an LSO be listed on administrative forms filed with the state, and must have proof of formal LSO training. This meets those training requirements.
Laser Safety Officers develop, administer and enforce the written Laser Safety Program that is required for all facilities. A Laser Safety Officer is an individual appointed by the facility administration or business owner to manage and administer a Laser Safety Program. It is the major requirement of the ANSI Z 136.3 requirements for the Safe Use of Laser In Health Care Facilities (including aesthetics & private practices). This person is a manager and does not necessarily run the laser equipment or do treatments, although they certainly may do so. They ensure that a safe “Laser Environment” is maintained. Patient treatment safety is a separate issue.
- — Laser Biophysics
- — Laser Energy Concepts
- — Laser Effects on Tissue
- — Laser Hazards & Safety
- — Laser Incidents, Accidents, and Complications
- — How to Set Up and Administer a Laser Safety Program
- — ANSI Z136.3 Safety Standards for Health Care Facilities
- — Medical Laser Safety Audits
Laser Safety Training Courses
Medical Laser Safety Officer Seminar
The Course includes online access to the narrated and illustrated lectures, a pdf course manual, a PDF copy of all the slides, and a Certificate of Laser Training. Online quizzes are at the end of most modules which you must pass with a 70% or greater score. If for some reason you don’t pass a module we’ll reset you for that at no charge. You’ll listen to the online lectures but must also study each chapter of the book.
This seminar is ideal for those that will become the Laser Safety Officer for a facility and can be taken online or in-house. This 16-hour training meets all requirements for states that require formal Laser Safety Officer Training. It is equally beneficial, however, for the laser technicians and operators that will be using the equipment. (Even if a technician or operator is not the designated LSO, he/she can serve as a backup.) New ANSI Standards require that any staff working around lasers incur safety training at least every 5 years, and this seminar meets those requirements.
For those participating in the 2 Day Seminar option, the Medical Laser Safety Officer Certification Exam is included. It also covers Laser Airway Safety programs and the Basic Laser Safety Inservice which can be used to train your own physician and support staff.
Approved for 16.1 Nursing CEU’s and Qualifies for Category II CME.
Accredited Training Certificates are different than a Certification as a Medical Laser Safety Officer. There are currently (2016) no requirements that one MUST be Certified as an MLSO, but the 2016 ANSI 136.3 Standards do recommend such Certification. This course will meet the training requirements in order to take the CLSO/M Certification exam from the National Council on Laser Certification (NCLC). You may make separate application and take this exam at a location convenient to you. See www.LaserCertification.org for details. During our live 2 day LSO seminars we administer this exam at the end of the seminar for those wishing to take it.
This course is for Surgical or Aesthetic Safety Officers & Assistants.
$475 for 1 Day Laser Safety Operators.
$895 for 2 Day Laser Safety Officer.
Other discounts also apply. NCLC, MLSO Certification exams included, if desired.
In-House Medical Laser Safety Officer Training
We offer the best laser safety training courses hosted within your own facility and using your equipment to help enhance the level of learning through hands-on experiences with the same equipment you will work with every day. The in-house course is best suited in situations where there are multiple people to train or an in-depth learning experience with real hands-on training is required. This is where our experienced and knowledgeable faculty come to your location and teach academic lectures as well as valuable hands-on experience with your own equipment. The in-house laser safety training course typically ranges from one to three days but varies based on the background of the individuals seeking training as well as whether you opt-in for the Laser Certification exams. The in-house laser safety training courses are best suited for those looking to re-certify entire staff on lasers and ensure everyone has a consistent understanding of protocols or new practices looking to train larger groups of staff at one time.
Varies by dates, location, and number of staff.
Laser Techs – Safety and Operation
For Surgical Staff working directly with, or around laser Systems, or in Laser Cases. Also used by Physician Staff for a more in-depth basic laser science and safety training. Approximately 4 hours of Basic Surgical Laser Science and Safety. Basic Laser Science and Safety Training for Technicians operating the equipment, and Team Members working Laser Cases. Laser Operators must of course augment this with specific hands-on training on the lasers they operate. The program is broken down into three sections: 1) Laser and Energy Concepts (basic biophysics) 2) Laser / Tissue Interactions 3) Laser Safety, including both practical safety and administrative concerns.
Laser Tech Safety and Operation Seminar
The Course includes online access to the narrated and illustrated lectures, a PDF course manual, a PDF copy of all the slides, and a Certificate of Laser Training. Online quizzes are at the end of most modules which you must pass with a 70% or greater score. If for some reason you don’t pass a module we’ll reset you for that at no charge. Approved for 5.2 Nursing CEU’s and Qualifies for Category II CME.
1 Day Medical Safety Seminar $475
3-Day Laser Certification And Annual Laser Safety Update – Florida Keys, Marathon Key
The course will be held in the classrooms of The Laser Training Institute & The Marathon Sail and Power Squadron Building (Brady Building). It is located at 5211 Loggerhead Lane behind the Panda House restaurant on US1 and across the street from the Publix Grocery. Turn onto 52nd Street Gulfside, then right onto Loggerhead Lane. The building will be on your right (a white building on stilts). This is a one-hour drive to Key West if you care to go during your off times.
TAKE ANY OF OUR ONLINE LASER COURSES before you arrive if you need to qualify to take one of the Certification Exams. They are included for FREE for anyone taking the exam at the course, but access to the online course is terminated the last day of the course. Certificates for the training will only be issued at the Keys seminar. They include Aesthetic or Laser Hair Removal, Laser Safety Officer, etc.
It’s only $195 for the 3-day course for any alumni. This also INCLUDES ANY online laser course in advance for FREE if you need it to take the exam – see limitations on the course page.
$895 regular registration for others that are not alumni, but any online course is still included for free. You’ll make your own room reservations and alternative hotels are listed. The NCLC Laser Certification exams are included at no additional charge. This is also a good way to renew your Medical Laser Safety Officer Certification without having to meet the 3-year continuing education requirements.